Finding A Doctor You LoveFinding A Doctor You Love

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Finding A Doctor You Love

As soon as I was diagnosed with an ongoing medical condition, I realized that it might be smart to look around for a better doctor. In addition to finding someone that accepted my medical insurance, I also wanted to find someone that understood my personal situation. I started looking around for a medical practice that handled cases like mine, and I found a place that had a doctor that I really connected with. He was understanding, kind, and incredibly intelligent. After working with him for a few months, I started to feel a lot better. My blog is all about finding a doctor that you love.


What Are Knee Replacements Made Of?

When you consult with your orthopedic surgeon about knee replacement surgery, the doctor may give you a choice regarding what material your artificial knee joint will be made of. As technology advances and medical practices adopt new standards, stronger and more durable materials are available for artificial knee joints. If you have had a knee replacement and need a new surgery to replace a worn-out artificial joint, you may want to make a different material choice than your existing replacement. It's important to listen to your doctor's explanations about the pros and cons of each material.

High-Density Plastic

Even if you choose metal for the main component of your knee replacement, it's likely that plastic will be used to simulate the cartilage surrounding the joint. Most artificial cartilage is made of polyethylene plastic, which is durable but will still wear out faster than other materials. Plastic is also typically used to cover the patella part of the knee in an artificial joint.


Although ceramic is more common in hip replacement, some individuals who undergo knee replacement surgery are fitted with ceramic components. This option is most common for people who are allergic to certain metals like nickel that may be used in knee replacement surgery. Ceramic is not as strong and durable as metal, so it may need to be replaced sooner.


The most common metals used in artificial joints are titanium and cobalt-chromium alloys. Titanium is less scratch-resistant than cobalt-chromium, but both are very durable and strong. If you want your knee replacement to last as long as possible, it's wise to choose metal for the majority of the components. It's likely that a metal artificial joint will last for 15 to 20 years.

Why Is the Material Important?

Doctors are continually testing new materials to create artificial joints that do the best job of bearing weight, being flexible enough for smooth movement, and standing up to daily use for decades without breaking or corroding. Artificial joints are becoming increasingly lightweight as well to ensure a smoother recovery after surgery.

The knee replacement that you are fitted with will depend on what you and your doctor discuss, so be an advocate for yourself and ask plenty of questions. If it is a matter of cost, allergy, or durability, your doctor can explain the options available to you so that you feel as comfortable as possible going into surgery.